Notification of Carolina Covenant Scholar Status You do not need to do the CSS Profile after the first year, unless you have been away from school for greater than one academic year.

If you are a returning Covenant scholar, you need to be sure to complete the FAFSA on time each year.

Aid is reevaluated annually, and substantial changes in a family’s financial circumstances can result in a change in the total amount of aid. You will only be considered for this type of aid as an incoming first-year or transfer student, but once you are a Covenant Scholar, you remain one for your undergraduate career at UNC-Chapel Hill. You must also meet citizenship requirements and other eligibility standards for federal financial aid. You will also be considered if you are an independent student from North Carolina, but out-of-state independent students are not currently considered. If you are a dependent student, in-state and out-of-state, you will be considered. The program also offers academic and personal support to help you get the most out of UNC and graduate on time. Your eligibility is automatically assessed when you complete your financial aid applications.Ĭovenant covers full financial need through grants, scholarships and work-study - no loans. If you are from a family with a total income that is at or below 200% of the poverty guideline, you may qualify for the Carolina Covenant, an aid program that provides an opportunity to attend and graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill debt-free. Graduate & Professional Student Aid Staff.