Leaders and advisors of communities, teachers, professors, and pastoral workers who desire to prepare activities for formation, reflection, and debate within groups or communities can search for materials by theme, title, author, or e page 238. They will remain at the permanent disposition of the public. The telematic Archive of the Latin American Agenda: begun two years ago, the materials that the Agenda has produced in its sixteen years of existence are now online and in two languages, Spanish and Catalan.

We welcome other organizations that wish to sponsor contests. We have increased the number of contests, some of which have been converted into a tradition in different fields: activist literature, gender relations, ecology, rereading of the Bible, theology, legal commitments in favor of the poor.all of this is thanks to the organizations that sponsor these contests. Or go to and search for Agenda Latinoamericana, Monseñor Romero, servicio bíblico, Pedro Casaldáliga, Maximino Cerezo Barredo, Leonardo Boff.and you will find us in the first few results. See us in Wikipedia, the encyclopedia: Go to search for Agenda Latinoamericana Mundial, and see the results. We want to continue dreaming with all realism. Although we recognize the disgust we feel when faced with the many disenchantments of current politics, we insist that now, as in all hours, political commitment forms an absolutely necessary part of the integrated human being.

It will take flight in the measure that which we nourish these dreams.

Long Live Politics! by Maximino Cerezo Barredo In the face of the old politics, disillusioning and obsolete, a new life is forming, ready to launch the dream of a utopia of an eternally renovated human polis.